BinDiff (zynamics)
Reverse Engineering | ToolIDA plugin for comparing binaries. Allows to label unknown binaries with annotations from a different IDA database.
Reverse Engineering | ToolIDA plugin for comparing binaries. Allows to label unknown binaries with annotations from a different IDA database.
The cloud version of binary ninja allows free reversing in the cloud. It has a real-time collaboration feature.
Debin is a tool to predict the debug information of stripped binaries. It only works reliable with C programs, as this is the only dataset it was trained on. It might be useful to use the website for jeopardy CTFs.
Ghidra software reverse engineering (SRE) framework and IDA Pro alternative.
Reverse Engineering | ToolTHE reverse engineering tool.
Reverse Engineering | ToolA tool to find the one gadget in libc. It lists all gadgets leading to execve('/bin/sh', NULL, NULL)
including their preconditions.
ARM | CTF | Reverse Engineering | Tool | x86The online disassembler can disassemble a wide range of binary formats and platforms. It can disassemble freestanding bytes too. It provides a disassembly view, a graph view, a symbol and a function viewer.
A standalone decompiler, built and managed by Avast. Works as a standalone program, has a trial version on the website, and there is an IDA Plugin.
Supported file formats: ELF, PE, Mach-O, COFF, AR (archive), Intel HEX, and raw machine code. Supported architectures (32b only): Intel x86, ARM, MIPS, PIC32, and PowerPC.
This software analyzes the formats of given files and outputs RDF description of their contents. It offers the following features:
The software comes as an online version and as an installable and downloadable version.
Reverse Engineering | ToolA standalone C decompiler. Also has an IDA plugin.
Supports ARM, x86, and x86-64 architectures. Reads ELF, Mach-O, and PE file formats.
angr is a python framework for analyzing binaries. It combines both static and dynamic symbolic ("concolic") analysis, making it applicable to various tasks.
Online interface to find a libc database by function offsets. They are powered by the libc-database repository.