All about BGP

APNIC Labs Stats

Autonomous System | BGP | DNS | DNSSEC | Dataset | IP

APNIC gathers many statistics and offers them on their website. However, they provide way more data than it might initially look like, since many of the datasets are not linked from their main page.

Cloudflare Radar

BGP | DDoS | DNS | Dataset | IP | Network

Cloudflare Radar is Cloudflare's reporting website about internet trends and general traffic statistics. The website shows information about observed attacks and attack types and links to the DDoS report. General traffic statistics are reported, such as the used browser, fraction of human traffic, IP, HTTP, and TLS version.

The website also provides more detailed information on domains and IP addresses. Domains have information about age, popularity, and visitors. IP addresses have ASN and geolocation information.

More information about Cloudflare Radar is available in the introduction blog post.

The Radar data is also available via API, for example the attack data:

Hyper-Specific Prefixes on the Internet

BGP | Dataset

The common wisdom is that BGP serves /24 prefixes for IPv4 and /48 prefixes for IPv6. However, this is more of a convention, than a hard rule. Larger prefixes are observed in BGP routing tables.

This website summarizes a paper about hyper specific BGP prefixes. It shows how common hyper specifics are over time for IPv4 and v6.


BGP | Dataset | Map | Network | Tool

IP geolocation services feeding itself from geolocation databases, user provided locations, and most importantly, active RTT measurements based on the RIPE Atlas system. It also provides a nice API to query the location. It provides a breakdown on where the results stem from and how much they contribute to the overall result.

Internet Society Pulse

Autonomous System | BGP | Dataset | Network | Tool

The Internet Society gathers data to show the general health and availability of the internet. They measure four categories: internet shutdowns, technology use, resilience, and concentration. Under internet shutdowns, they show which countries are performing what kind of disruption, e.g., regional or national. The technology sections lists basic statistics about HTTPS, IPv6, TLS, DNSSEC.

Is BGP safe yet?

BGP | Dataset | Network | RPKI

"Is BGP safe yet?" is an effort by Cloudflare to track the deployment of RPKI filtering across different ISPs. They provide a tester on the website with which each user can test if the current ISP is filtering RPKI invalid announcements. The website includes a list of networks and if and how they use RPKI (signing and/or filtering).

More details for this project can be found in Cloudflare's blog or on the GitHub project.

List of BGP Routing Datasets

BGP | Dataset | Network

Packet Clearing House (PCH)

The Packet Clearing House (PCH) publishes BGP data collected at more than 100 internet exchange points (IXP). The snapshot dataset contains the state of the routing tables at daily intervals.

PCH also provides raw routing data in MRT format. These contain all the update information sorted by time.

Routing Information Service (RIS)

The RIS is the main resource from RIPE featuring all kinds of datasets about AS assignments and connectivity.


Routeviews is a project by the University of Oregon to provide live and historical BGP routing data.

MANRS Observatory

BGP | Dataset | Network

Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is an initiative to improve the state of routing security. The observatory shows what kind of incidents occurred and how prepared networks are, e.g., with filtering and coordination efforts. The data is available globally and comparisons between regions are available. Historic data is accessible on the website.

Mini Internet Project

BGP | IP | Network | Tool

The mini internet project is part of the curriculum by the Networked Systems Group of ETH Zurich. It teaches the students the basic steps of how to create a mini internet. It starts with the basics of intra-network routing, by setting up multiple L2 switches. Then the students have to configure L3 routers to connect multiple L2 sites together. Lastly, in a big hackathon style, the students need to connect their local network with the network of the other students, by properly configuring BGP routers and setting up routing policies.

The code and the tasks are all available in the GitHub repository.

The APNIC Blog has a nice introduction to the project too.


BGP | Dataset | RPKI

The NIST RPKI Monitor shows different statistics about RPKI adoption and about the validation status. It shows the number of validating prefixes, their history, the autonomous systems with the most VALID and INVALID prefixes and how validation changes over time.

PEERING: The BGP Testbed

BGP | Network | Tool

PEERING is an environment where researchers and educators can play with BGP announcements in a real but sandboxed environment.

Description from the website:

The long-term goal of the PEERING system is to enable on-demand, safe, and controlled access to the Internet routing ecosystem for researchers and educators:

  • PEERING for researchers. Today, it is hard for researchers to conduct Internet routing experiments. To perform a routing experiment, a research institution has to obtain Internet resources (IP addresses and ASNs) and establish relations with upstream networks. PEERING eliminates these obstacles and provides researchers controlled on-demand access to the routing ecosystem.
  • PEERING for educators. Educators can use the PEERING infrastructure in teaching students the Internet routing architecture. The students access to live BGP sessions to multiple ISPs.

RIPEstat: Providing open data and insights for Internet resources

Autonomous System | BGP | DNS | Dataset | Network | Tool

RIPEstat is a network statistics platform by RIPE. The platform shows data for IP addresses, networks, ASNs, and DNS names. This includes information such as the registration information, abuse contacts, blocklist status, BGP information, geolocation lookups, or reverse DNS names. Additionally, the website links to many other useful tools, such as an address space hierarchy viewer, historical whois information, and routing consistency checks.


BGP | IP | Network | VPN

dn42 is a big dynamic VPN. It employs various Internet technologies, such as BGP, whois, DNS, etc.

Users can experiment with technology, they normally would not use in a separated environment.

Mostly different hackerspaces participate in the dn42 network, such as different locations of the CCC.